Welcome to the NW Junior Disc Golf Advocates page!

There are so many great advocates for Junior Disc Golf in the NW. This page is dedicated to a few of those individuals that have done incredible things to grow the sport. So, take your time, check these players out, and be sure to thank them the next time you see one. 

NW Junior Disc Golf Advocates

Les Bergsman

When were you born: A long time ago,… when the earth was green and most physical items were carved from stone,… using other sharpened stones… (Or,… October 19, 1969)

When did you start playing: April 2014

PDGA #: 68491

What divisions do you play in: Have played primarily Advanced Masters – which changed this year from MAM to MA40… but will be moving to MP50 in the coming year.

Podium Finishes: 14

Aces: 17 total – 14 RHBH, 3 LHBH… I ain’t gonna list them out here… someone might recognize that every one of them has been under 300’ 

Favorite Disc Golf Course: Jones East, Emporia, KS

Favorite Disc Golfer: As in… Touring Pro?.... No question… Nate Sexton.  

Favorite Disc: Ha… Hmmm…. RPro XD… If your favorite disc isn’t your putter,… change your putter.

Longest Throw: Yeah… that would be at Crystal Mountain… and I couldn’t tell you which one….  I’ll assume, however, that you are looking for a ‘distance’ and I’ll assume you are talking about ‘in the air over flat ground’… For this, 400’ is an absolute crush for me and maybe have done it enough times to count on the fingers on one hand… but definitely wouldn’t be needing that other hand.

Forehand or Backhand, why?: Backhand… because I can throw backhand and my forehand is really very weak.  To be clear however, part of the reason my forehand is so weak is that I drive backhand… with either hand.  This tends to slow the progress on developing a strong forehand.

Drive or Putt, why?: Putt… Putt… Putt… then putt some more.  Because without putting, your drive doesn’t matter.

Junior Disc Golf Advice: 

Have Fun

Enjoy what you are doing

Do it because you love doing it and its fun

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

Have fun

(Doing what you love to do is the best motivator in the world for ‘getting better at it’)

What do you love about Disc Golf: Anybody can do it.  All you need is one working arm and you can play disc golf.  Disc golf is fun regardless of how good you are at it, so introducing people to it is easy and people get hooked fast.  It’s outside, its active, and… ANYBODY can do it.

How do you grow the sport: Tell friends, bring people out, organize fun events that everyone – particularly amateur players who are in it ‘for the fun’ can have a great time and get a good value out of the event.  My ‘strength’ in the sport is in organizing people and getting them together to play… I like to find fun new ways to bring newer players out to organized events.

Marcus Burks

How old are you: 43
How long have you been playing: 3.5 years 
PDGA #:70024
What divisions do you play in: MA40
Podium Finishes: 0, I'm not that good 
Favorite Disc Golf Course: Timber, Estacada OR
Favorite Disc Golfer: Paul McBeth
Favorite Disc: 168 Pink Star Destroyer, Team Stamped 
Longest Throw: 400'
Forehand or Backhand, why?: Backhand, most power 
Drive or Putt, why?: I drive all day long, can't putt to save my life!!!

Junior Disc Golf Advice: When you are learning to play, the first two weeks, we all suck. Just play and have fun!!! You aren't going to smash it like the pros, just do your best.  The best indicaor you are making progress is watching the distance of your drives will slowly get longer and you will slowly make more and more putts.  

What do you love about Disc Golf:  The friendships and comradely.  I have heard it said, disc golf is one of the only sports where people root for theircompetition just as much as for themselves.   

How do you grow the sport: Grassroots, I will tell anyone that will listen.  I try to have things I can give away to people that seem interested, stickers, minis, whatever.  

Lucy Burks

How old are you: 13 
How long have you been playing: 3.5 years 
PDGA #: 70025 
What divisions do you play in: FA15, FA2, FA1 
Podium Finishes: 19, 1st place, 3 2nd place (thats all the junior events she has ever played, +1 1st place FA1 
Favorite Disc Golf Course: Timber (Home course) 
Favorite Disc Golfer: Luis Nava 
Favorite Disc: 168 Star Leopard3, Team Stamped 
Longest Throw: 345' 
Forehand or Backhand, why?: Both, mostly backhand 
Drive or Putt, why?: Drive, I am really good at ripping discs and out driving men

Junior Disc Golf Advice: For all you kids out there that have a bad throw, or a bad putt. Don't let it effect your mental game. Your mental game is the biggest part of disc golf and  when you mess it up, you will do worse then before.

What do you love about Disc Golf: Its all year round!!! No matter the weather you cant go outside and play.

How do you grow the sport: I have grown the sport a lot. I have had 2 tournaments hosted by me, and 4 more to come. This sport is amazing, and I want the share my happiness with everyone else too. My dad and I have held a few clinics and are going to hold some more hopefully every Tuesday. 

Kenny Emery

How old are you: I am 26 years old

How long have you been playing: 3 years

PDGA #: 90090

What divisions do you play in: advanced and open 

Podium Finishes: 1 advanced win. Winter classic at fort steilacoom

Aces: 5

Favorite Disc Golf Course: tall firs Monroe Washington 

Favorite Disc Golfer: Simon lizzote

Favorite Disc: Innova thunderbird & Dynamic Discs enforcer fuzion 

Longest Throw: 590+

Forehand or Backhand, why?: both. I started forehand. But realized you need both to have the advantage. 

Drive or Putt, why?: putting. Driving is cool, but unless you can throw 700 feet or more it won’t give you any advantages if you miss your putts. :) someone that throws 350, but makes putts will more often come out ahead. 

Junior Disc Golf Advice: keep your head up! Close your eyes! Take a deep breathe! Stay positive! Tell yourself you got this! Put your game face on! And play some golf! 

What do you love about Disc Golf: I love how I can go to any course and see people from my home course out experiencing new courses! And I always see New players.

How do you grow the sport: I love teaching the game to new players! If they have a good experience with me! Hopefully they’ll want to continue to play for a long time!